Arthrosis vaccine
A team of scientists has developed a vaccine that turned out to be able to relieve experimental mice from the pain caused by osteoarthritis.
14.03.2019A team of scientists has developed a vaccine that turned out to be able to relieve experimental mice from the pain caused by osteoarthritis.
14.03.2019Leading experts and creators of CRISPR technology have called for a global moratorium on genetically modified people.
14.03.2019Doctors have found a variant of the gene responsible for the failure of contraceptives. It is in the body of every twentieth woman.
14.03.2019"We are still very far from solving this problem," said one of the study participants Kei Miyamoto.
14.03.2019One of the causes of aging are retrotransposons LINE1 – DNA regions that can move and multiply within the genome.
13.03.2019Pharmaceutical companies dream of selling anti-aging drugs, but they have not yet been invented.
13.03.2019Mouse eggs with mammoth cell nuclei implanted in them showed the activity observed before the start of division.
13.03.2019The gene preparation will restore the nervous tissue, enhancing the body's ability to regenerate.
13.03.2019The words "it is better to be poor but healthy than rich but sick" have ceased to be relevant since 1946, when the WHO statute was adopted.
13.03.2019A molecule that prevents the flu virus from entering the cell can protect against many strains of the virus at once.
13.03.2019The new coating for catheters is capable of destroying bacteria, preventing them from creating colonies in the form of biofilms.
13.03.2019Russian doctors have learned how to treat complex cardiac pathologies, including the consequences of heart attacks, with the help of stem cells.
12.03.2019Mutations in the DNA of mature neurons in the brains of mice with a model of Alzheimer's disease have mitigated the symptoms of the disease.
12.03.2019Psilocybin increases creativity and empathy during administration and prolongs these effects for a week.
12.03.2019The diabetes test from 23andMe does not work well for the most vulnerable groups of the population and does not give any new information to the rest.
12.03.2019The innovative technique is based on CRISPR's ability to track down genetic fragments of a specific virus or strain.
12.03.2019It will take decades for genetics to learn how to predict a child's IQ or the strength of a marriage using DNA.
12.03.2019Methods of using stem cells in most cases do not go beyond laboratories and clinical trials.
11.03.2019The statement of Nobel laureate James Watson about the difference in the intelligence of whites and blacks secretly warms the soul of many.
11.03.2019Even if you are indifferent to Christian traditions, it is not superfluous to find out how the human body reacts to the rejection of meat.
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